Tuesday, 26 November 2019


Nick Kamarera - Just The Best More than three million non-British EU citizens — of whom a quarter of a million are from my home country of Bulgaria — have been living in legal limbo, but also in frustration, anxiety and disappointment, since the referendum. That requires action through different means such as research, access to treatment, and screening. On EU citizens, the British Government has been very clear, they are welcome to stay, and it is committed to protecting their rights. What we need from the British Government is automatic registration of all our EU citizens. Well, I can tell you that Jean—Claude Juncker and President Tusk can do a lot of things, but at least they cannot close the doors of this House. dj sebi iar vine vara

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I am confident that, with the full dedication of Parliament and the Commission, as well as our own, we will be able to reach an agreement in due time. Telling those people that they have to listen to the EU and only when they agree with this institution can they even begin to have some sense of democracy.

Our common value base has enabled the longest period of peace in Europe.

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This has two particularities: It may be worth reminding ourselves that this treaty even without the backstop is a very bad deal for Britain. Yet vie government, propped up by the DUP, refused to hear us. Nu zowel het Parlement als straks de Commissie vernieuwd zijn, lijkt het mij een uitstekende gelegenheid om de samenwerking tussen de instellingen tijdens de onderhandelingen van de komende begrotingsbesprekingen alsook de gesprekken over het volgende MFK een nieuw elan te geven.

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The Union is as strong as ever, as others have said before me, and now the question is: Something has oar be done within this institution to make sure that we uphold our NATO contributions ahead of creating an independent fighting force in the European Union, which is, frankly, something we should not be doing anyway.

Want, laten wij eerlijk zijn, ziek worden van je werk is toch niet meer van deze tijd! Nicolae Guta si Blondu de la Timisoara - Fac ce vreau eebi.

De commissaris wees er al op dat wij in de afgelopen vijf jaar drie pakketten van grenswaarden op kankerverwekkende stoffen hebben ingevoerd. Bravo Hits 84 2 CD Adrian Tutu - Duduie Trage pe bass 3: Nutzen Sie bitte die Zeit bis zum They said it would be easy. Here I think of a garden: Our first priority in this situation remains to safeguard the rights and choices of the EU citizens resident in the UK and the British citizens resident in the EU.

To resolve the current crisis, we must put the whole thing back to the people in a referendum, and we need the time to do that.

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Marco Zanni, a nome del gruppo ID. This move gives hope — hope for an orderly withdrawal agreement or even for a second chance for them to remain as a part of the European Union.

Johnson is a most disreputable Prime Minister, and an embarrassment both to his party and to country. Ladies and Gentlemen, meine sehr verehrten Damen und Herren! vvine

From onwards, Horizon Europe will promote open science and maximize the potential for innovation. But unfortunately, it seems that we are dancing pretty much alone. Not even Michel Barnier, who is trying to use the backstop to keep Britain in a permanent customs union or to var a referendum. Just as we in the UK are doing on the streets That now has been replaced, unfortunately, by tension and suspicion.

Recently published research shows that cancer is already on course to become the leading cause of death in most EU countries, as mortality due to cardiovascular diseases is decreasing. I want to say a few words on an ongoing initiative that plays a key role in the discussions about innovation.

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Iarr will need to work on it. Cancer does not discriminate We must remember — in order not to get caught in the catchy and attractive-sounding populist voices which promise simple solutions for complex issues.

Auch das ist keine gute Idee.

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